Smoke was rising over the Museum today, as two steam locomotives were fired up in preparation for the weekend extravaganza! We haven't seen such a sight for a long time. This is really going to be a great display of operating equipment. Say, did I mention this is something you shouldn't miss?

Meanwhile the saddletanker was also prepped. Water lines were attached from the water treatment car, and the tanks get to fulfill their purpose in life. Later it was also fired up, as seen above.

I've been doing this sort of repair for a long time. The holes were drilled out, and 1/2" or so lengths of hardwood dowel were epoxied in place.

I also made up one of our "you are there" signs for the end bulkhead and had it laminated.
Used Furniture Dept.
This once-attractive easy chair came from a CA&E parlor car, and was part of the Johnson Collection. For some reason it was stored inside the 810, where the cat(s) seemed to amuse themselves by ripping the covering, etc. And it was no longer welcome inside an active project, so it was unceremoniously moved to the aisle of Barn 4, which is even worse. We do not have any CA&E parlor cars, of course, but I got stuck with the job of storing it in a cat-free zone anyway. It's sturdy enough, and maybe with some cleaning I'll be able to relax after a hard day with a nice cold can of root beer....
Tim was showing me some of the castings he has recently received from a foundry in Chicago. It's near the home of Frank Kehoe, so he does all the leg work in dealing with the foundry, and also making patterns when necessary. Here we see two complicated door thresholds for the 24, with one of the well-worn originals to the right.
They seem to do excellent work, so I'm going to try getting some of the parts I need this way.

Finally, I had to switch all four of my cars around to get ready for operations this Saturday and Monday.
Here's the 36 sitting by itself. It looks ready for service, but of course we need to replace the compressor before it can operate on its own. If you look closely, you can see smoke rising from the Leviathan in the background.
For regular service this weekend, we'll be running the 308 and 319. Aren't they pretty?
I think that parlor car chair is actually from CNS&M car 420. It was the only NS parlor that had rotating seats; Johnson had one that she acquired from the late Alan Simms' collection.
The North Shore car seems more plausible, now that you mention it. But that's fine with me -- now it's somebody else's responsibility to find it a good home. Such as Joe and Gwyn, for instance.
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