Saturday, March 20, 2021

Friday Progress

 On Friday, John Sheldon was working on the arched window frames again.  At one point, he had all five on the north side installed, but removed them again before I could get a picture.  Anyway, the 306 is moving along quite well.

Tim made some metal grills that fit over the windows in the ticket booth.  This is really high security.

He has also been working inside the station building itself when the weather is good enough.  They are planning to replace the maple flooring, so first the baseboards have to come out.

Here's the electrical cabinet for the 600V DC wiring.

And here's where the replacement ticket booth had been installed; you can see the vertical lines on each side of the window where the walls were attached.

Souvenirs for sale:

Finally, I started by putting primer on two more running boards for the 453.

After it warmed up in the barn, reaching a little over 60F, I put another coat of roof paint on the center section of the roof.  Whereas the first coat for the center section, about 2/3 of the total area, took between 4.5 and 5 gallons, the second coat only required a little less than 2.

Then I finished off the south side of the car, and started on the north side, going down to the tack molding.  The ends will be done later.

And it's easy to keep track of how much has been used.

I must say the painted canvas looks better in person than it does in the above pictures, due the lighting and camera angles.  If you don't believe me, come on out and see for yourself.  I'll put you to work!

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