Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Another Baldy

We now have another "Baldy", at least for a short time.  I finished cleaning up all of the tack moldings, and then went ahead and removed the rest of the saddles and so forth from the roof of the 460.  And I went along and removed any tacks I could find.  The main area of the roof, apart from the tack moldings, should be ready for painting soon.

And then I started attaching some plastic sheets to guard the beautiful paint job on the car from paint drips.  Also, I started applying epoxy to the tack molding on the north side, so this also keeps epoxy from dripping onto the car.

Notice that the trolley pole is being put to use.

Another thing that needs to be done before canvas can go on the car is to fix the Trolleyville holes at each end.   Before:

After the installation of new wood and some solid epoxy, it looks like this.  Once this has set up, it needs to be sanded down, and probably another application, but otherwise it's pretty complete.

And at the other end, this part was patched also.

 In other news, our old friend Dave Conrad was visiting on Tuesday, and he spent some time in the shop poring over the blueprints for his next project.  But I don't know if I should reveal what it might be.

Gerry continues grinding away on the 1808:

Tim continues making new wood for the car:

And John Sheldon continued work on the interior parts for the 306.

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