Tuesday, April 12, 2022

In the Attic

 On Saturday, Frank was able to remove the ceiling plate in the #1 vestibule, thus allowing access to the attic.  It's good that we have younger and more flexible minds working on problems like this.  As a result, we can start removing most of the remaining obstacles at the #1 (east) end of the roof.  There are basically four of them: three 600V cables and the pipe connection for the horn.

It's very cramped up in here, so these pictures leave a lot to be desired.  On the 453, furry pests had gotten into the attic through a Trolleyville hole and eaten up most of the insulation.  That didn't happen here, so everything is fine.   Here are a couple of views before work starts.

With some help from Jon Fenlaciki, I was able to pull down one of the cables, and disconnect the piping, as seen here:

Jon was mostly working on the interior of the 65, of course.  It's going along well.

And Gerry was doing grinding, needlechipping, and welding on the 1808 again.  Tim was also at work, but I was too busy to get a picture of either him or John S. at work.

Finally, I did some more cleaning up on the north side tack molding; we're now well over 3/4 of the way done.

And at the top of the east end, you can see that more parts have been removed, as mentioned before.

I managed to remove one cable and the piping, but there's still more to do.  They turned out to be harder than the ones on the 451 or 453, so it will take some work.  Stay tuned!

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