Friday, September 16, 2016

Visit to East Troy

Dan and Chris Buck visited the East Troy Electric Railroad last Saturday and send us these pictures:

They got a tour of the new shop building, which was quite impressive.

The Twin Cities car over the new inspection pit.

The main item of interest is the Sheboygan car 26, which was struck by lightning while on a charter trip last month.  The pole was up at the time, and a small fire was started, which the fire department quickly put out.  This car was beautifully restored from a body, and fortunately the damage was relatively minor.

By the way, this might be a good place to repeat our Rule 23.5: When lightning is observed, Operators of electric cars must bring their cars to a complete stop in a safe location and lower the trolley poles until the storm has passed. 

The car has been rolled onto rubber mats to insulate it from the rails for electrical testing.

One of the South Shore cars in service.  Like the other operational South Shore cars, it has been equipped with trolley poles and had its diaphragms removed, but is otherwise unmodified.  A couple of them have been converted into dining cars.  

Well, thanks to the brothers for sending in an interesting report.  I'd like to see the new shop building in person sometime myself.

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